Catholics Examine…Millennial
Dispensationalist Sensation
January 17, 2008
The term “Christian Zionists” usually calls to mind
visions of premillennial dispensationalists like Jerry Falwell, John
Hagee — or Hal Lindsey, author of the blockbuster The Late Great
Planet Earth. Back in the 90’s he also hosted a weekly radio
show promoting his own version of end-times prophecy. In this, the
Jewish role during these latter days is crucial, more so than the
Christian. Yes, the “Church” is due to disappear any day now. As
the still-Chosen Ones, the modern-day Jews will be left to rebuild
the ancient Temple in Jerusalem and reinstate their ancient
sacrifice. Following a series of apocalyptic wars, their restored
homeland, i.e. the state of
will also be the site of Christ’s Second Coming. This in turn is
going to usher in the Millennium, which Hal, Jerry, and other true
believers will miss, having already been lifted up out of the
picture into the clouds of heaven. This so-called “rapture” marks
the end of the Church era, leaving a Jewish remnant to run the show.
Catholics, of course, must view this scenario as
inane — and insulting to their Faith, which holds that the Church
will last forever. Even though, for their part, the Jews show no
sign of converting en masse, much less of attributing to
Jesus the role of Messiah, the dispensationalists tend to support
them unconditionally. The ongoing Zionist agenda, replete with
messianic overtones, is praised to the skies by Hal’s pals, who
continue to blend these with their own vision of the Second Coming.
Rather than have Christ coming in glory to judge the living and the
dead, as Catholics believe, this has Him showing up in bodily form,
and ruling from a restored Temple in Jerusalem for a thousand years!
Talk about monotonous!
If such beliefs were relatively rare 50 years ago, in
recent decades, as though sparked by a millennial madness, they have
spread like wildfire. Back in the 70’s The Late Great Planet
Earth outsold other books of the decade, but failed to be
included in the New York Times best sellers list. By the
mid-90’s, however, the latest in end-times prophecy had made it into
the mainstream. Some of the books in the Left Behind series
by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins would eventually top several
prestigious best-seller lists, including that of the Times.
And the swelling ranks of fans would include not just those who
belonged to denominations identified as “dispensationalists,” but
mainline Protestants as well.
Already it
has got to the point where some upscale suburbanites are telling
their neighbors not to worry if they should look next door one day
and see an empty house, for it will simply mean that the family has
been raptured. Really! A cousin of ours actually heard this from
her neighbor — and she, keeping a straight face, replied that, well,
the reverse could also occur; that is she and her husband might be
the ones to be raptured, while the neighbor’s family was left
Needless to say, the neighbor did not look happy to
hear this.
As for the Novus Ordo clergy, their reactions have
been — well, wimpy. There is an article, first published in 2003 by
the Council of Illinois Bishops, now posted on the internet, that
denounces the Left Behind books as “anti-Catholic” in their
depiction of both the rapture and the end-times pope, who in the
series is allied with Anti-Christ — a view consistent with that of
early Protestants. Another internet article, originally published
by the U.S. Bishops’ Department of Education, calls the series “both
subtly and overtly anti-Catholic.” Their feeble protests, however,
can scarcely be heard amidst the rousing hosannas of
dispensationalists. I mean, who cares if some stodgy clerics, or
the tools thereof, call the Left Behind books
“anti-Catholic”? What exactly does this mean anyway? The history
behind the label is not explained in these articles, and most U.S.
Catholics are woefully ignorant of any persecuted past. Criticizing
the airy-fairy “rapture” is one thing. Daring to focus on the
Zionist aspects of the agenda, however, is another. It would appear
that no “bishop” in this country wants to touch such a hot topic.
Their flocks suffer accordingly. Carl Olson, author
of Will Catholics Be Left Behind?, says the pews of
evangelical churches are full of former Catholics who have fallen
prey to Protestant proselytizers. The ignorance of many “cradle”
Catholics leaves him aghast. A convert himself, he grew up in
evangelical circles tinged with dispensational beliefs. So he
should know. Now, seeing Catholics caught up in the fervor, he is
quick to inform them that the “rapture” is a “theological fiction
invented less than two centuries ago.” His book provides an
in-depth analysis of such beliefs, tracing them from 19th
century British zealots like John Darby to his counterparts across
These include Cyrus Scofield, who, despite a “tainted past” (he
spent time in jail on forgery charges), managed to “get religion”,
and to produce a “reference bible” for dispensationalists that was
published by Oxford University Press, no less.
Valuable insights provided by Olson’s book, published
in 2003, include contrasting definitions of such all-important
theological terms as “Kingdom”, “Covenant”, “Church” and “Israel.”
For Catholics, their Church is the heavenly Kingdom established by
Christ on earth –– in a kind of nascent, or, as Olson puts it,
“seed” form, to be sure, but still real, visible, and viable.
Through the ages it would continue to grow, to flower, to reach out
to all nations. In contrast, dispensationalists view the “Kingdom”
described in the gospels as primarily a political, material entity
that is quintessentially Jewish. Indeed, some Protestant zealots
like Scofield go so far as to say the gospels themselves, including
the beatitudes, were, and are, intended for Jews, not gentile
Christians! Though most Jews of Christ’s day misunderstood and
therefore rejected His exclusive offer of a Kingdom on earth, this
did not disappear, or transfer to the gentiles. Rather it was
simply put on hold. The Church of the Christians is merely
parenthetical. At the end of the era that is about to conclude with
the rapture of gentile believers, Jesus will return to rule from the
throne of King David over an earthly empire that represents the
final triumph of Jewish messianic aspirations. Yes, His own Chosen
race will accept Him the second time around.
They just don’t know it yet!
As Olson notes, according to Catholic doctrine, the
“Old Covenant concludes with the New Covenant, and is
included in it. The Church is the New Israel.” He quotes
Justin Martyr, who, in his own Dialogue with Trypho the Jew,
wrote, “As, therefore, Christ is the Israel and the Jacob, even so
we, who have been quarried out from the bowels of Christ, are the
true Israelitic race.” To dispensationalists, however, such beliefs
are anathema. They constitute what John Hagee calls “replacement
theology,” the notion that the New Covenant replaces, or supersedes,
the Old. This, he says in his recent book In Defense of Israel,
provides the underpinnings of an anti-Semitism which over the
centuries has manifested itself in “atrocities committed in the name
of Christianity against the Jewish people”.
Offenders include the hordes of Catholic Crusaders
who butchered Jews (and Moslems) in the Holy Land; and the clerical
Inquisitors who, besides torturing the Chosen ones in the name of
Christ, evicted them from their homes in Spain. All this horror
culminated with Hitler, who Hagee claims remained a self-avowed
Catholic even
while holding office. He ignores the fact that
der Führer’s pagan proclivities went against the Faith. Nor
does he mention all the Catholics, German, Polish, or otherwise, who
suffered under the Nazis; nor the protests of German bishops against
Nazi eugenics practices. Nor the encyclical Mit Brennender
Sorge, condemning their racial policies. Nor Pius XII’s own
successes in saving thousands of Jews. None of this counts with
In all his ranting over past sins, he also fails to
mention the horrific persecution of eastern European Catholics under
Stalin and other Communists; and, going back a ways, by Protestants
and Ireland during the centuries following the Reformation. Much of
the latter targeted the so-called “idolatry” of Catholics that was
seen in their “worship of graven images”. Indeed, Protestants,
especially those of a Calvinist bent, considered the traditional
Mass as idolatrous, not only because of Catholic belief in the Real
Presence, but also because the liturgical act is described as being
a continuation of Christ’s own sacrifice. In contrast, their own,
reconstituted version of the Lord’s Supper, denuded of sacrificial
aspects, was presented as merely a memorial meal. Christ’s
Sacrifice having occurred only once, it could not be replicated in
any form. Or so pontificated Protestant zealots, many of whom
preferred rich Jews to reactionary Catholic scum.
Thus Oliver Cromwell, while massacring Catholics by
the thousands, or replanting them in the bogs of Ireland, strove to
bring the wealthy Dutch Jews, many being Sephardic refugees from
Spain or Portugal, into England. This involved negotiating with the
wealthy Menassah ben Israel of Amsterdam over terms that were
implicitly theological as well as financial and political. Despite
doctrinal differences the two men managed to find common ground.
The Jews, for instance, considered the doctrine of the Holy Trinity
to be idolatrous. While not agreeing totally, Cromwell and other
Puritans tended to down play this; indeed some were rumored to deny
it privately, and by another century or two, Unitarianism would be
Meanwhile “godly Protestants” like Cromwell
rationalized that bringing the Jews into England would hasten their
conversion, and this in turn was a prerequisite for Christ’s Second
Coming. While not aware of any future “rapture,” Puritans of the
time did believe in a coming earthly millennium. Regarding worldly
success as a sign of godliness, they also saw the commercial
advantages of interconnecting with Jewish trade networks. The Jews,
of course, would also benefit. For his part, Menassah ben
believed their own Messiah — and millennial age –– would come only
after the Jews had spread throughout the world. Cromwell helped by
facilitating, albeit unofficially, their entry into
Unlike British or Irish Catholics, Jewish immigrants were allowed
to worship publicly, and even to establish a synagogue.
Dutch Jews would also assist William of Orange’s
usurpation of the English throne. According to a recent
Battlefield Britain documentary, the vast army that faced James
II at the Battle of the Boyne in Ireland boasted relatively few
Englishmen. Most of the invading troops were foreign Protestant
mercenaries: Dutch, Germans, Danes and French Huguenots. This took
a lot of money. James’ final defeat brought the crushing blow of
penal laws — the worst ever –– for British and Irish Catholics,
while Jewish immigrants and their offspring, experts at banking and
trade, continued to prosper under English skies. In contrast,
thousands of young Irish men and women, along with priests and
schoolmasters (Catholic schools being outlawed, as was the Mass)
were rounded up and sold as slaves to planters in the West Indies.
Needless to say, the past sufferings of Catholics
tend to be overlooked by dispensationalists. If the fanatics among
them are, in their millennial madness, the heirs of Cromwell, God
help us. Their ignorance not only defies common sense, it seems to
contradict the theology underlying the most basic of Protestant
doctrines. Thus their vision of the restored Temple during the
millennium includes the celebration of animal sacrifice, even
with Jesus sitting there on the Davidic throne! These, they
rationalize, will serve as a reminder of what Jews have endured,
just as the Lord’s Supper does for them. But think about it. The
red heifers will be offered up in the flesh, not just in memory.
Also such real, live sacrifices will be celebrated at a time
after Christ’s crucifixion — and that, remember, is their
objection to the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass! Maybe they
figure the bloody ones are okay because, while taking place in the
present — or future, rather — they hearken way back to a time
before the Crucifixion, while the traditional Mass — well,
sorry, it looks backwards, but not far enough.
If this sounds absurd, it’s because it is!
There is also the idolatry issue. The traditional
Mass, remember, involves the Real Presence, which Protestants
consider idolatrous. From this we should assume that no such Mass
would be allowed in the rebuilt Temple during the Millennium. The
Protestant Lord’s Supper, they say, may be celebrated as a memorial
of past travails, but it does not involve transubstantiation. The
Catholic Mass does, and the Real Presence would surely upstage that
of whoever else might be there occupying the throne in the Temple.
It would also pose a threat to the spirit prevailing in the vicinity
even now. For in Jerusalem Countdown, Hagee says “God
Himself chose to establish Jerusalem as His dwelling place on earth
is the city where God’s presence dwells on the earth.” Unable to
find God in the tabernacle, Hagee senses a divine presence there in
the ancient city with its
Temple ruins. Like the Jews at the Wailing Wall, he
treats the site like some holy relic — which is ironic, considering
that under other circumstances he would condemn such a reverential
practice as idolatrous.
But if the Mass is not allowed, what about crosses,
those simple signs of the crucifixion –– and of Jesus Himself? Will
they be tolerated in the rebuilt Temple? With Jews in charge, it
seems unlikely, considering what happened last November in
Jerusalem. According to a story in The Jerusalem Post,
approximately 20 (other reports say 14 or 17) Austrian bishops, led
by Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna, were refused access to the Western,
or “Wailing” Wall, the surviving part of Herod’s Temple that is “the
Jewish people’s holiest prayer site,” because they refused to remove
the pectoral crosses hanging around their necks. The rabbi in
charge explained that crosses were a “symbol that hurt Jewish
In yet another report by Israel National News
the same rabbi is quoted as saying he would feel “the same way about
a Jew putting on a tallit and phylacteries and going into a Church.”
Indeed, he “would be the first to rebuke such a Jew for not
behaving like a mensch.” He also insists, “They did not have
to take them off, just hide them. I’ve never encountered a
Christian who has refused, including the Pope.”
Here he alludes to John Paul II’s visit to said Wall
back in 2002, though pictures of the event show the latter wearing a
cross in plain sight. Lest we feel inclined to praise him for his
courage, however, we should ask why a supposed pope would be there
at all, praying ritualistically in a place sacred to the Jews. I
mean, was this kosher of him? Ironically, of course, it was, though
not in any truly Catholic sense. While there he even stuck a prayer
in the chinks of the Wailing Wall asking forgiveness of the Jews for
past injuries and expressing the desire to “commit ourselves to
genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant.”
Returning to the Austrian bishops, Cardinal
Schönborn, their spokesman at the time of the incident, told the
press he did not feel disappointed in being turned away, because, as
he put it so eloquently, “We have seen the Wall from the terrace and
we were able to participate in the prayers of the Jews from afar.
Our decision to heed the requests not to approach the Wall was made
out of respect for the religious sensitivities of the Jews.”
Such words are to be expected from a man whom the
Jerusalem Post calls “a friend of Israel.” Back in 2005
Schönborn gave a speech at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, that was
reported in the Washington Post. In this he insists all
Christians needed to “affirm Zionism as a biblical imperative for
the Jewish people.” Indeed, he says John Paul II himself had
declared the “biblical commandment for Jews to live in Israel an
everlasting covenant that remains valid today.”
“Only once in human history did God take a country
as an inheritance and give it to His chosen people,” the Cardinal
says further, echoing, oddly enough, the words of another true
believer we know all too well. For in Jerusalem Countdown,
John Hagee writes, “Israel
is the only nation created by a sovereign act of God.”
With cardinals like Schönborn, who needs Cromwell?
It’s no wonder even hard-liners like Hagee and friends are gradually
altering their view of the Catholic Church — and of the papacy.
Although the Left Behind authors do depict the end-times pope
as an ally of Anti-Christ, they do not go so far as to identify him
with that monster. In this they differ, of course, from Protestants
of old, perhaps because none of the real popes in recent centuries
turned out to be the Man of Sin after all! It is also true,
however, that, as noted above, John Paul II and other papal
pretenders since the Conclave of 1958 have compromised the doctrine
of the Church to the extent that heretics no longer regard them as
Surely this tells us something!
In his books Hagee exults over the fact that John
Paul II reconciled the Roman Catholic Church with “its anti-Semitic
past” by memorializing the Holocaust and officially recognizing the
State of Israel, the formation of which in 1948 was, for
pro-Zionists, the pivotal event of the 20th
century. We have already noted JPII’s visit to Jerusalem, and his
note of apology to Jews stuck in the Wailing Wall. Under him a
pontifical commission headed by Cardinal Ratzinger also published a
document that digressed from tradition in a way which would have
delighted Cromwell, for it echoed the latter’s way of expressing
common goals with Jews in terms of a future millennium. Among other
things, it says:
“Jewish messianic expectation is not in vain. It can
become for us Christians a powerful stimulant to keep alive the
eschatological dimension of our faith. Like them, we too live in
expectation. The difference is that for us the One who is to come
will have the traits of the Jesus who has already come and is
already present and active among us.”
Correct me if I err, but does this not imply that the
Jewish Messiah has not yet come — and that he will in the future?
Surely this is apostasy, since Catholics believe Jesus is
the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. Who ever said there
would be one Messiah for the gentiles, another for the Jews? The
above document further says “Jesus” (not Christ, i.e., the Messiah)
has indeed come — whoever He was exactly. They don’t say. As for
who is coming again, for Christians this man “will have the
traits of Jesus.” It does not say that he actually will be
Jesus. Going by this, some con men could dress any smooth-voiced,
long-haired actor up in flowing robes, stick him in the rebuilt
and say he is the One!
Though we have to be careful here, in that, according
to Hagee, the reconstituted “Jesus” won’t even look like the image
we probably have of him. No, in his latest book he says that if
Jesus showed up today at church on Sunday, we would not recognize
him, because He “would appear small and slender with penetrating
dark eyes, an olive complexion, and prominent Semitic features.” He
would also have “the long full earlocks (payot) of the
Hebrews, his hair uncut at the corners, and a full manly beard, and
his shoulders draped with a tallit (prayer shawl).”
Uh oh. This was obviously written before all
the publicity over the Austrian bishops being turned away from the
Wailing Wall. If you will recall the words of the rabbi responsible
for that, he said he would also “rebuke” a Jew who entered a church
dressed in tallit and phylacteries. Does this include Jesus?
Should not He too conform to the prevailing mode — or at least to
that of Catholic visionaries? Have all of the latter erred — or has
Hagee? Does he always know best? Elsewhere in his book he says
Jesus studied the Talmud, the “rabbinic commentaries on the law.”
But these were not in fact written down until long after His death!
Nor did Christ approve of everything being taught in the Temple of
the time. In the gospels, for instance, He condemns the so-called
“traditions of the elders.”
Certainly Hagee’s latest book, In Defense of
Israel, goes way beyond the bounds of normal Protestant belief.
Even Cromwell would be shocked by some of it. Most
dispensationalists must wonder when Hagee argues that Jesus gave the
Jews no reason to believe that he was their Messiah! Yes, he says
that! Furthermore, he claims Jesus did not in fact come to be that
for them — not yet. No, Hagee now says Christ’s Messianic mission
to the Jews will not commence until — you guessed it — his Second
Coming! Only then will He assume the role of Messiah to the Jews,
when he takes His place in the Temple!
This makes sense, paradoxically, only if we realize
that Hagee has gone off the deep end, that is, way over to the
Jewish viewpoint. Back in grade school we learned that the Jews did
in fact expect their Messiah to be a political ruler who would
triumph over all enemies and establish an earthly empire. As
Catholics we understood this to be wrong. Now Hagee is saying they
were right, that by His words and actions, and especially by His
suffering and death, Jesus “refused” any claim to be their Messiah!
Yes, He gave them the right signals, and they understood and reacted
as He wanted them to. They did nothing wrong; the Romans, aided by
corrupt Jewish leaders, crucified Him —not the people themselves.
That time around his mission was for the gentiles, i.e., the
Christians. Only at his Second Coming, with the Church raptured
away, will He come as the triumphant One longed for by the Jews.
This gets scary, if we realize how it could also fit
the ambiguous scenario provided by the periti of the
Pontifical Biblical Commission. Does it not explain how “Jewish
messianic expectation is not in vain”? And how their Messiah will
indeed come, while ours will return? It gets scarier yet, if we
know the Jewish viewpoint can include that of the Kabbala, and that
Jewish scholars admit most adherents to this also believe in
reincarnation. How neat! This means whoever runs the millennial
show could take a charismatic Jew, put him on the Davidic throne and
–– voilà! Here He is! He may not look like Jesus, but so
what if he is the reincarnation thereof! To use the
pontifical terminology, he is the One –– for both the Jews and
Christians. He has come to the Jews for the First time, and to us
for the Second.
In issuing that statement, John Paul II certainly was
right on the proverbial target. It’s no wonder he is lauded by
Rabbi David Rosen of the International Jewish Committee, who was, in
2005, made a papal Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the
Great. In Hagee’s book, Rosen is quoted as calling the Polish
actor-pope a “hero of reconciliation,” one who would be remembered
as “the best pope the Jews ever had.”
Yep, that says it all!
Click here for part II
Copyright 2008 by J. M. Gordon